Mira Bai

                  Let me see you

Let me see you.
I repeat:
be kind.
In the month of Jeth
birds are sad and waterless.
In Asarh peacocks and rainbirds
call for clouds.
Rain in Savan.
My friends celebrate the festival of Tij.
Rivers overflow in Bhadon.
Your distance hurts me.
In Ashwin
mother-of-pearl drinks from the star Swati.
In Kartik people worship gods.
You are my one god.
Aghan is cold.
Come quickly. Care for me.
In Paush frost blankets the earth.
You are not here.
Spring comes in Magh.
Everyone sings.
People play Holi in Phagun.
Banraj trees burn me.
My desire grows stronger in Chait.
Let me see you.
In Baishakh, Banraj trees bloom,
the koel bird sings.
It is the month
for consulting astrologers and priests.
Mira, alone, is desolate.
When will she see you?
She spends her days looking for crows.

   Hindi; trans. Willis Barnstone & Usha Nilsson

Mira Bai, Hindi, trans. Willis Barnstone & Usha Nilsson.